Issue - meetings

Bromsgrove Memorial

Meeting: 07/11/2012 - Cabinet (Item 77)

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Members considered a report seeking approval for the contribution of £20,000 from balances towards the cost of provision of a monument in Bromsgrove to the armed services. It was noted that planning permission had recently been granted for the structure in respect of Council owned land in Crown Close, Bromsgrove. The Memorial would include those still serving in the armed forces and those injured in the course of their service.


It was reported that the total cost of the monument was £45,000 and that the majority of this sum had been raised by the Bromsgrove Armed Forces Memorial Fund. In addition, local businesses and organisations had agreed to provide some of the necessary materials and labour either free of charge or at a reduced cost. The Charity involved intended to continue with their fundraising campaign and it was intended that any funds raised would be utilised to provide for future maintenance of the monument which would be undertaken by this Authority on an on-going basis.


Members raised the issue of the possible inclusion of recognition for other Emergency Services on the monument. The Leader undertook to discuss this further with the Chairman of the Charity involved with a view to seeking the agreement of the Charity. It was noted however that the funds raised thus far had largely been on the basis of a memorial to the armed services.


Following discussion it was


RECOMMENDED that the sum of £20,000 be released from balances as this Council’s contribution towards the cost of the Bromsgrove Monument.


(During the course of this discussion Councillor C. B. Taylor declared an other disclosable interest as a member of the Fire Authority)