Issue - meetings

Pre Planning Application Policy

Meeting: 07/11/2012 - Cabinet (Item 76)

76 Member involvement in Pre Planning Application Discussions - Policy pdf icon PDF 104 KB

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The Cabinet considered a report on a revised protocol for the involvement of Members in pre application discussions for planning applications.


The proposed re-introduction of a protocol following review was welcomed, together with the requirement for any Members wishing to become involved in the pre application discussions to have undertaken the appropriate training.


There was detailed discussion on the criteria set out in Appendix 1 to the report which would trigger the offer of Member Involvement in pre application discussions.


Overall in relation to the page headed “Criteria for Member Involvement in Pre - Application Planning Discussions” it was noted that the wording describing the process could be clarified. It was also felt that in respect of the section on “Criteria for the Site” it would also be appropriate for the Leader of the Council and the Portfolio Holder for Planning to be invited to participate in pre application discussions in respect of sites which fell into Category 1 – “Major Applications” in addition to those sites which fell into Categories 2 and 3. 


In addition, it was felt there needed to be clarification in respect of the definition of adjacent wards, for instance where the red line around an application site just touches the ward boundary at one point rather than say following the line of a road, whether this should be classed as an adjacent ward.



(a)       that subject to the amendment and clarification referred to above, the Member Protocol for involvement in pre application discussions as set out in Appendix A to the report be approved and implemented from 1st January 2013;

(b)       that any Member wishing to become involved in pre application discussions under the Member Protocol be required to have completed the appropriate training; and

(c)        that delegated authority be granted to the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services to make the consequential amendments to the Council’s constitution.