Issue - meetings

Minutes of the meeting of the Audit Board held on ...

Meeting: 07/11/2012 - Cabinet (Item 70)

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(a)       To receive and note the minutes

(b)       To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes



The minutes of the meeting of the Audit Board held on 20th September 2012 were submitted.


Members noted the recommendation contained in minute 22/12 in relation to the delivery of the Internal Audit Plan.  It was felt in future it would be useful where possible for the Chairman of the Audit Board to attend Cabinet when there was a recommendation from the Board.


The Leader stated that the Chairman of the Audit Board had in fact discussed the reason for the recommendation with him and whilst he had also had some concerns, following a discussion with the Director for Finance and Resources these had been alleviated to some extent. It was recognised that this issue would need to be kept under review.


Arising from the discussion on the Audit Board minutes Members requested that when declarations of interest were recorded in the minutes of any meeting the minutes should be as clear as possible with regard to the nature of the interest declared.



(a)       that subject to the discussion referred to above the recommendation contained in minute 22/12 be noted; and

(b)       that the remainder of the minutes be noted.