Issue - meetings

Exclusion of the Public

Meeting: 20/09/2012 - Audit Board (this committee has been combined with the Audit, Standards & Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 21)

Exclusion of the Public


The Board considered whether or not to exclude the public from the meeting for the consideration of Agenda Item No. 7; The Internal Audit Monitoring Report of the Acting Shared Service Manager of the Worcestershire Internal Audit Shared Service.  The Acting Shared Service Manager had provided a combined report and the Chairman advised that the Board had considered whether the public interest in maintaining the exemption outweighed the public interest in disclosing the information, which the Board agreed it did not.


RESOLVED that the public not be excluded from the meeting during the consideration of Agenda Item No. 7, Monitoring report of internal audit work and performance as at 31st August 2012, pages 13 to 20, and that this part of the report be placed in the public domain.