Issue - meetings

Proposed Revised Arrangements for Performance Reporting

Meeting: 03/10/2012 - Cabinet (Item 58)

Proposed Revised Arrangements for Performance Reporting


The Head of Business Transformation gave a short presentation on the future of Performance Reporting.


The presentation included a brief overview of work undertaken on Transformation which was part of the Shared Services process. Members were reminded that performance measures, which emerged from the Transformation process within service areas, rather than imposed performance targets would be used in future to improve performance.


It was intended that operational measures would be considered on a monthly basis by the Corporate Management Team, with strategic measures being reported quarterly to Members via the Cabinet and the Overview and Scrutiny Board.  The role of Members was crucial if systems were to be well managed, with Portfolio Holders in particular being required to work with officers to utilise measures to understand and improve systems.


It was noted that for a transitional period the Performance Reports would be a combination of new measures and some retained performance indicators. New measures would emerge (with some being deleted if they were no longer appropriate) and would be illustrated by a variety of charts and graphs.  Whilst the reports would still be in paper form initially, eventually a dashboard of key measures would be available centrally with access for all. A key issue would be that Performance information would be available in “real time” so that issues could be addressed by Members and officers as they occurred rather than on a retrospective basis.


The Cabinet expressed support for the proposals and felt it was important that all Members had the opportunity to understand the new arrangements. It was noted that a similar presentation would be given to the Overview and Scrutiny Board and that training and support would be provided for Members. As stated above whilst there would be paper based reports for a period, eventually the information would be provided in “real time” and Members would need to access this electronically. It was intended to provide additional internet facilities in the Members’ Room to assist any Members who were not easily able to access the information. 


The Leader then thanked the Head of Business Transformation for her presentation.