Issue - meetings

Corporate Risk Register

Meeting: 20/09/2012 - Audit Board (this committee has been combined with the Audit, Standards & Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 19)

19 Corporate Risk Register pdf icon PDF 57 KB

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The Board considered a report which detailed the Corporate Risk Register and the current arrangements for risk management within the Council.


The Executive Director, Finance and Corporate Resources introduced the report and in doing so informed Members that the Corporate Risk Register, as detailed at Appendix 1 to the report, had been developed and agreed by the Corporate Management Team following consideration of potential risks that could affect the Council. 


Members were further informed that officers were currently developing Departmental Risk Registers and that key issues on the Corporate Risk Register and Departmental Risk Registers would be reported back to the Board on a quarterly basis.  Following further discussion it was agreed that the high level actions on Departmental Risk Registers would be included within the quarterly reports for discussion, with the detailed Departmental Risk Registers provided for information periodically. 


The Executive Director, Finance and Corporate Resources responded to Members’ questions with regard to the six Corporate Risks identified and the scoring methodology.  Following further discussion the Executive Director, Finance and Corporate Resources was tasked with taking the comments of the Board and the additional risks identified, to be included within the Corporate Risk Register back to the Corporate Management Team as follows:


·        Members had expressed concern with regard to the Likelihood score of 1, Low, for the following:

·        Corporate Risk Reference 3 – Failure to realise the potential benefits of         implementing shared services


·        Corporate Risk Reference 4 – Failure to develop a vibrant Town Centre


·        Corporate Risk Reference 5 – Impact on the Council of a change in     political direction.  Do ongoing and regular discussions with all             members and more specifically Group Leaders take place?


·        Include the following within the Corporate Risk Register:

  • Safeguarding the Council’s reputation (reputational risk, treasury management, ombudsman and complaints)
  • Fraud
  • Further reduced funding from government


The Executive Director, Finance and Corporate Resources in response to Councillor Dr. B. T. Cooper confirmed that officers did undertake regular training to support future business continuity events.



(a)                 that, subject to the comments and additional risks identified in the preamble above, the Corporate Risk Register be noted, and

(b)                 that the Audit Board Work Programme be updated to include Corporate Risk Register and the high level actions from Departmental Risk Registers quarterly reports, with the Departmental Risk Registers to include a frontline service and a support service register.  Detailed Departmental Risk Registers to be provided for information periodically.