Issue - meetings

Fly Posting Policy

Meeting: 05/09/2012 - Cabinet (Item 36)

36 Fly Posting Policy Report pdf icon PDF 69 KB

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The Cabinet considered a report on a proposed Fly Posting Enforcement Strategy.


It was noted that the Strategy consolidated the various legislation relating to the issue into one easily accessible document.


It was reported that in line with the approach taken on other environmental enforcement issues it was intended to adopt a “five stage” approach to enforcement ranging from providing advice to undertaking prosecution if that should prove to be necessary. It was also intended to undertake a public information exercise as part of the launch of the Strategy with a view to reducing the instances of fly posting prior to the five stage process.  


Members raised the issue of fly posting in relation to local small scale charitable events and were informed that a common sense approach would be taken including provision of advice to  organisers of such events that they ensure any advertisements are removed in a timely manner following the event.     


RECOMMENDED   that the Fly Posting Strategy together with the associated policies attached as an appendix to the report, be approved.