Issue - meetings

Protecting the Public Purse - Verbal Update

Meeting: 21/06/2012 - Audit Board (this committee has been combined with the Audit, Standards & Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 12)

Protecting the Public Purse - Verbal Update


Mr. A. Bromage, Worcestershire Internal Audit Shared Service, Acting Audit Manager provided Members with a verbal update on the recently issued Audit Commission publication ‘Protecting the Public Purse 2011: Fighting Fraud against Local Government’.  Members were reminded that officers had been tasked to provide an updated report on the self assessment checklist during the Audit Board meeting on 29th March 2012.  Members were informed that due to recent changes within the Council’s Corporate Fraud Team work on the self assessment checklist had been passed to Internal Audit.  Internal Audit had planned to look at the actual checklist to identify what was already in place and existed in order to ensure there was no duplication of work.  It was agreed that the completed self assessment checklist be presented to the next meeting of the Audit Board.


RESOLVED that the completed self assessment checklist be presented to the next meeting of the Audit Board.