Issue - meetings

Update Report - Review of Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs)

Meeting: 16/04/2012 - Licensing Committee (Item 29)

29 Public Awareness Raising Programme for Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs) pdf icon PDF 79 KB


Following on from the meeting held on 5th January 2012, consideration was given to a report that provided Members with details of Bromsgrove District Council’s Community Safety Team’s plan for delivering a programme of public awareness raising activities with regard to Designated Public Place Orders (DPPOs). 


The Senior Community Safety Project Officer introduced the report and in doing so provided the Committee with details of the public awareness raising programme and how it would be achieved.  The Community Safety Team had assessed its current work commitments and available resources and had identified activities that could be delivered throughout April to July 2012 as detailed at paragraph 3.16 to the report.  Members were asked to note that Community Safety officers in conjunction with the Council’s Environmental Services had arranged for all old signage to be replaced with new signage.  It was anticipated that all 127 signs would be replaced by the end of May 2012.


Members’ attention was drawn to paragraphs 3.19 and 3.20 of the report which provided an update on the recent Home Office consultation on the introduction of new anti-social behaviour tools and powers which included the use of DPPOs.  Should the Home Office decide to legislate these new anti-social behaviour tools and powers the use of DPPOs would no longer be available to local authorities. 


The Senior Community Safety Officer responded to Councillor C. J. Bloore with regard to statistical information being recorded over the suggested 12 month DPPO review suspension period.  Members were informed that the following factors would provide for accurate recording and appropriate statistical analysis on crime and disorder and the use of DPPO powers to be assessed as part of a future DPPO review:


§         New legally complaint signage

§         Re-briefing of police officers

§         Public awareness raising



(a)               that officers undertake the programme of public awareness raising activities as detailed at paragraph 3.16 to the report;

(b)               that the DPPO review be suspended until July 2013, and

(c)        that officers be tasked to report back to the Licensing Committee in    June 2013 to provide details of the review process prior to it           recommencing and to include details of the proposed public and             stakeholder consultation.