Issue - meetings

Worcestershire Extra Care Housing Strategy 2011

Meeting: 04/04/2012 - Cabinet (Item 135)

135 Worcestershire Extra Care Housing Strategy 2011 pdf icon PDF 98 KB


Consideration was given to a report on the Worcestershire Extra Care Housing Strategy 2011-2026 which had been developed by the District Councils in Worcestershire together with the County Council. The Strategy was intended to provide a framework for the future development of Extra Care Housing in Worcestershire for the period 2011 to 2026.


It was reported that the Strategy identified Local Authorities as having a leading role in developing Extra Care Housing by encouraging providers from the social, charitable and private sectors to deliver the Extra Care Housing required in Worcestershire.


The Head of Community Services reported that it was intended that an Action Plan for delivery of the Strategy would be developed in respect of the Bromsgrove District by the Council’s officers. 


Members supported the Strategy but requested additional clarification on the definition of “Extra Care Housing”.


RESOLVED  that the Worcestershire Extra Care Housing Strategy 2011 – 2026 be approved in principle, subject to the Leader and Portfolio Holder for Strategic Housing being satisfied with the definition of the term “Extra Care Housing”.