Issue - meetings

Audit Commission Opinion Plan

Meeting: 29/03/2012 - Audit Board (this committee has been combined with the Audit, Standards & Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 33)

33 Audit Commission Opinion Plan pdf icon PDF 56 KB

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Ms. Z. Thomas presented the Audit Commission Opinion Audit Plan 2011/2012.  Members were informed that with regard to the Accounting statements and Whole of Government Accounts no significant risks had been identified.  The 3 specific risks that had been identified by the Audit Commission were:


§         Proposed changes to the accounts format from Word to Excel

§         Shared service allocation of costs between the Councils

§         Disclosure of Heritage Assets


The Executive Director, Finance and Corporate Resources responded to Members’ questions with regard to Table 2: Proposed work as detailed in the report.  Members were informed that Worcestershire Regulatory Services Joint Committee would be audited, by Clement Keys, as a Smaller Relevant Body and this would result in a simple Annual Return being prepared and therefore an anticipated reduction in fee.


Further discussion took place on value for money and the identification of significant risks as detailed in the report.  Ms. Z. Thomas responded to the Chairman with regard to how the savings to be delivered through shared services and the Council’s overall project plan for transformation would be monitored.  Members were informed that a robust system was in place to ensure that all relevant recharges between Bromsgrove and Redditch were logged and charged.


RESOLVED that the Audit Opinion Plan 2011/2012 be approved.