Issue - meetings

Protecting the Public Purse - item deferred from Feb mtg, see minutes

Meeting: 29/03/2012 - Audit Board (this committee has been combined with the Audit, Standards & Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 41)

Protecting the Public Purse


Members were reminded that this report had been deferred due to the Audit Board meeting on 2nd February 2012 being inquorate.  In the absence of the Fraud Services Manager the Executive Director, Finance and Corporate Resources presented the report. 


The report provided information in relation to the recently issued Audit Commission publication ‘Protecting the Public Purse 2011: Fighting Fraud against Local Government’.  Members were informed Members that in the absence of the Fraud Services Manager the Internal Audit Shared Services Manager would be tasked to update the report and the self assessment checklist.


Following further discussion on the report and the need for the self assessment checklist to be updated, it was   


RESOLVED that officers be tasked to provide an updated report and self assessment checklist to the next meeting of the Audit Board.