Issue - meetings

Referral from Council - Motion on Free Parking for Blue Badge Holders

Meeting: 22/02/2012 - Cabinet (Item 113)

Referral from Council - Motion on Free Parking for Blue Badge Holders

At its meeting on 18th January 2012, the Council agreed:


That the following motion submitted by Councillor L. C. R. Mallett be referred to the Cabinet for consideration in the context of an officer report currently being prepared.


“Noting the increasing pressure being put on disabled people as a result of cuts to benefits and services as well as the forthcoming rise in charges for blue badges, Council resolves to reintroduce free parking in Bromsgrove District Council car parks for blue badge holders with effect from April 2012.”



It was noted that this item had been deferred and the Leader invited the Portfolio Holder Councillor M. J. A. Webb to comment further.


Councillor Webb reported that together with officers he had been working for some time on a report reviewing the whole issue of car parking, in particular in relation to vulnerable and disabled groups.  It had been agreed with Councillor L. C. R. Mallett, the proposer of the Council motion, that the proposal contained therein should be included within the remit of the review. Councillor Mallett had accepted an invitation to participate on a cross party basis in the review.


Whilst initial meetings had already taken place with the community and with groups representing vulnerable people and those with mobility issues, it had become apparent that in order to properly consult with all concerned it would be necessary to extend the consultation process. This would enable a fuller and more meaningful examination of the issues to take place.


In view of the above it was anticipated the report would be submitted to Cabinet in September 2012 at the latest. It was possible that this could be brought forward to July 2012.  


This was noted.