Issue - meetings

Police and Social Responsibility Bill - Sue Garratt

Meeting: 19/03/2012 - Licensing Committee (Item 25)

Police and Social Responsibility Bill - verbal update from the Acting Licensing Manager


The Acting Licensing Manager provided the Committee with a verbal update on “Dealing with the problems of late night drinking”.  This was a Home Office consultation on secondary legislation for the proposed late night levy and early morning restriction orders.  The late night levy was a proposal for local licensing authorities to have the ability to impose a charge (levy) on premises open for the sale of alcohol between 12.00 a.m. and 6.00 a.m.  Any funds raised would be split 70% and 30% between the police and local licensing authority respectively.  Early morning Restriction Orders would give local licensing authorities the power to restrict the sale of alcohol between 12.00 a.m. and 6.00 a.m. in areas where they considered the restriction was necessary to promote the licensing objectives.  Members were asked to note that the consultation would run until 10th April 2012. 


RESOLVEDthat the Committee Services Officer be tasked to provide Members with a copy of the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Licensing Update – February 2012.