110 Revision of Licence Standards and Conditions for Mobile Homes and Caravan Sites PDF 123 KB
Members considered a report which gave an update on the introduction of the Model Standard Licence Conditions for Caravan and Mobile Home Sites which were previously approved for phased implementation by the Cabinet.
The report referred to discussions which had subsequently taken place with site owners and residents together with the Fire Officer and suggested a way forward to address the issues raised. Following discussion it was
(a) that the 2008 Mobile Home Site Licence Conditions be revised to include Transitional Arrangements (subject to a risk assessment ) for existing residents as set out at appendix 1 to the report;
(b) that the phased approach to the implementation of the 2008 Model Standards be limited to the licensing of new sites and sites which have been substantially redeveloped; and
(c) that cases of non compliance with either the 1989 or 2008 Site Condition Standards be considered on a case by case, risk assessed basis and that enforcement action be undertaken where the level of risk is considered sufficient to necessitate the taking of such action.