Issue - meetings

Corporate Performance Report - Quarter 2 2011/12

Meeting: 07/12/2011 - Cabinet (Item 89)

89 Corporate Performance Report - Quarter 2 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 75 KB


The Cabinet considered the 2011/2012 Quarter 2 Corporate Performance Report together with a number of options for methods of performance reporting for the remainder of 2011/2012, in view of the proposed changes to strategic and performance reporting which would evolve through Systems Thinking and the Transformation agenda which would come into effect in 2012/2013. 


Members felt that there was little value in continuing to report formally on all of the existing performance indicators in view of the move towards developing performance measures as part of the transformation process.  



(a)       that Heads of Service together with their Portfolio Holder(s) select key performance indicators to be reported formally on a quarterly basis until the end of 2011/2012;  

(b)       that the way in which performance reporting will change as the Transformation agenda progresses be noted; and

(c)        that the update on key performance indicators for the period ended 30th September 2011 be noted.