Issue - meetings

Victoria Ground Capital Works

Meeting: 07/12/2011 - Cabinet (Item 87)

87 Victoria Ground Capital Works pdf icon PDF 62 KB


Consideration was given to a report on capital works required at the Victoria Ground, Bromsgrove.


It was reported that the works required had been revealed as a result of a dilapidation survey undertaken in late 2010 and related mainly to the condition of the building fabric including the roof, electrical system and internal fittings. The cost of the required works was £42,000. It was noted that the cost of developing the building as a community facility would be met by the occupiers Bromsgrove Sporting in accordance with the original Business Case and Lease arrangements.


It was noted that officers had identified that the cost of the works could be met from within the existing 2011/2012 Capital Programme by way of virement of £42,000 from the Bridge Maintenance budget allocation which had recently been reviewed by officers.



(a)       that the required works to the Victoria Ground as set out in the report be approved; and

(b)       that the cost of £42,000 be met from within the existing 2011/2012 Capital Programme by way of a virement from the Bridge Maintenance  budget allocation.