88 Future Engagement with Parish Councils PDF 74 KB
The Cabinet considered a report on the future of the Parish Forum and subsequent arrangements for future engagement with Parish Councils in view of the need for the Council to consider how its resources, including officer time could best be utilised.
The need to maintain good links with the Parish Councils was recognised in the report including the on-going provision of training opportunities and regular meetings between the Monitoring Officer and Parish Council Clerks. In addition it was suggested that when appropriate, officers could attend for part of the Bromsgrove Area Committee of the Worcestershire County Association of Local Council (CALC) meetings to give presentations or interact with Parish Council representatives on specific issues.
Members noted the suggestions put forward by CALC as a result of the consultation exercise on the proposal to discontinue the present quarterly Parish Forum meetings.
Members were not minded to approve the proposals put forward by CALC for a specific Portfolio Holder to be given the responsibility for managing the relationship with Parish Councils and for twice yearly meetings to be held between the District and Parish Councils. As an alternative however, the Leader undertook to discuss with the Chairman of CALC other possible arrangements which could achieve a similar result. Members also referred to the opportunities for links between the Parishes and the District to be maintained and strengthened through Members who were both District and Parish Councillors and by District Councillors attending for part of Parish Council meetings if appropriate.
(a) that the Parish Council Forum be discontinued with immediate effect;
(b) that, as an alternative arrangement, meetings of the Bromsgrove Area Committee of CALC be used as a vehicle for presentations and interaction between the Council and Parish Councils by way of a slot at the start of such meetings;
(c) that the Leader discuss with the Chairman of the Bromsgrove Area Committee of CALC the feasibility of any additional means by which the links between the District and Parish Councils could be maintained; and
(d) that the effectiveness of the changed arrangements be subject to review within twelve months.