Issue - meetings

Solar Panels Scheme at the Depot - Information Report on Urgent Action

Meeting: 07/12/2011 - Cabinet (Item 84)

84 Solar Panels Scheme at the Depot - Information Report on Urgent Action pdf icon PDF 67 KB


Members considered a report on urgent decisions taken by the Chief Executive under delegated powers in relation to the scheme previously approved by the Council to install solar panels at the Council Depot.


It was reported that the decisions taken by the Chief Executive related to changes announced by Government to the Solar Photo Voltaic Feed-in Tariff Scheme and to the opportunity to respond to Government consultation on the proposed changes. The decision had been required urgently in order for the procurement and installation process to proceed and for a consultation response to be prepared prior to the deadline.


It was noted that if the proposed changes to the tariffs were implemented the return on the investment would still be approximately between 5% and 6%. In addition the benefits of a reduction in carbon emissions and savings in electricity costs would remain.


RESOLVED  that the action of the Chief Executive in determining the matters set out below, in accordance with his delegated powers in relation to urgent matters, be noted. 


(a)       that authority be granted to the Climate Change Manager to respond to the Government consultation on Proposed Changes to the Solar Photo Voltaic Feed-in Tariff Scheme including any comments from the Portfolio Holder and the Cabinet; and

(b)       that officers be authorised to continue with the current project plan as  approved by the Cabinet and Council on 22nd June 2011, taking into account the revised financial projections as set out in the appendices to the report and on the basis that the figure invested remain at the previously agreed figure of £68,000.