Issue - meetings

To receive the minutes of the Overview Board held on ...

Meeting: 07/12/2011 - Cabinet (Item 81)

81 Overview and Scrutiny Board pdf icon PDF 73 KB

(a)       To receive and note the minutes

(b)       To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes

Additional documents:


The minutes of the meetings of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 24th October 2011 and 21st November 2011 were submitted.


In respect of the minutes of the meeting held on 24th October 2011 it was


RECOMMENDED   that the recommendation contained in minute 57/11 relating to changes to the Constitution with regard to Corporate Delegations in respect of consultations be approved; and accordingly the wording be amended to read as follows:


“1.1     Where the Council is asked to respond to a consultation on a matter for          which the local authority has a responsibility or where it affects the             District of Bromsgrove and where the time scales for responding permit     then they shall be a matter for the Full Council to consider.


1.2       In any event all consultations will pass automatically upon receipt to the            Chief Executives Department and will either be managed in            accordance with 1.1 above or where 1.1 does not apply will be passed      to the Leader of the Council for comment and the relevant Head of       Service or Director to provide a response as appropriate.


For the purposes of this delegation a consultation shall not be regarded as affecting the District of Bromsgrove if it relates to a national issue and would have no more effect on the District of Bromsgrove than it would on any other area; or


If it relates to actions taken by or statements made by a body or individual connected with the District, but those actions or statements are not specifically related to the District of Bromsgrove.”



(a)       that further to minute 61/11, the Deputy Chief Executive be requested to check the position regarding availability of training on the Safeguarding of Children and Vulnerable Adults Policy and whether this could be offered to Bromsgrove District Councillors; and

(b)       that the remainder of the minutes be noted.


In respect of the minutes of the meeting held on 21st November 2011 it was


RESOLVED  that the minutes be noted.