Worcestershire Regulatory Services Purposes and Outcome Measures
Verbal Update from the Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services following the Worcestershire Regulatory Services Away Day 24th November 2011. To include the proposed 3 Purposes and Outcome Measures for consideration by Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee Members.
The Chairman expressed thanks on behalf of Joint Committee Members to Worcestershire Regulatory Services (WRS) officers for their time and commitment to the WRS Services Away Day, which had been well attended by Members of the Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee. The Chairman requested that Members captured the information and questions raised during the Away Day in order to provide feedback and an update on WRS to each member authority.
The Head of WRS provided Members with a brief summary from the Away Day Workshop and the potential outcome measures for WRS in delivering what the customer wanted. Joint Committee Members who had attended the WRS Away Day had been given the opportunity to discuss the ‘Purpose’ and suggested ‘Measures’. Members had agreed that there should be a move to outcome based measures rather than performance indicators purely based on volumetrics. It was agreed that these measures would evolve as the transformation work developed further.
Members had agreed that the suggested outcome measures presented were on the right tracks but further work was required for Licensing as the service moved forward on measures for environmental issues such as air quality and contaminated land and that any future special projects work be included. Members had also requested that further detail be made available on some of the outcome measures so as to show trends.
RESOLVED that the Head of Worcestershire Regulatory Services be tasked to present a report to the next meeting of the Worcestershire Shared Services Joint Committee proposing a suite of outcome measures that could be used to measure the performance of Worcestershire Regulatory Services.