Issue - meetings

Finance Monitoring Report Quarter 2 2011/12

Meeting: 02/11/2011 - Cabinet (Item 74)

74 Finance Monitoring Report Quarter 2 2011/12 pdf icon PDF 189 KB


The Cabinet considered a report on the Council’s financial position for the period April to September 2011. It was noted that at present there was a predicted underspend of £309,000.


Issues were raised in relation to the car park income level and the Portfolio Holder Councillor M. J. A. Webb confirmed he was discussing this with the relevant officers with a view to mitigating the impact of this.


It was noted that in relation to the Planning section, the need for additional staffing resources on a temporary basis was being addressed.  The Portfolio Holder Councillor C. B. Taylor also raised the issue of potential costs arising from planning appeals and officers undertook to consider this further.



(a)       that the current financial position in relation to revenue and capital budgets as detailed in the report be noted;

(b)       that the budget virements between £15,000 and £100,00 as contained in appendix 2 to the report be approved;

(c)        that the financial position and movements on the earmarked reserves as detailed reserves as contained in appendix 1 to the report be noted;

(d)       that the expenditure of grant income of £40,000 from Worcestershire County Council for use in funding an insulation scheme for people over the age of 60 be approved; and

(e)       that £1,000,000 in respect of the repaving of the town centre be carried forward into 2012/13 .