Issue - meetings

Update on Waste and Street Scene Publicity Plan

Meeting: 02/11/2011 - Cabinet (Item 75)

75 Update on Waste and Street Scene Publicity Plan pdf icon PDF 57 KB


Members considered a report giving an update on the position regarding the Waste and Street Scene Publicity Plan.


It was noted that it would be of assistance to officers to amend the wording of the recommendation previously agreed in relation to Fixed Penalty Notices, in order to give more flexibility. Following discussion it was


RESOLVED  that whenever possible and when considered appropriate, Fixed Penalty Notices be issued for all dog fouling and littering offences during campaign periods when an environmental enforcement officer is present. If it is considered that the issuing of a Fixed Penalty Notice is inappropriate, then the environmental enforcement officer shall take an appropriate level of action in accordance with the guidance contained in the Joint Environmental Enforcement Strategy.