Issue - meetings

Proposed Merger of North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnerships

Meeting: 02/11/2011 - Cabinet (Item 71)

71 Proposed Merger of North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnerships pdf icon PDF 84 KB


The Cabinet considered the report on the proposed merger of the Bromsgrove Community Safety Partnership (BCSP), Redditch Community Safety Partnership (RCSP) and Wyre Forest Community Safety Partnership (WFCSP) to create a single North Worcestershire Community Safety Partnership (NWCSP).


It was noted that the proposal did not involve a merger of the Community Safety Partnerships at operational level and would not produce cashable savings but would release officer capacity to allow operational staff additional time to deliver community based initiatives and projects.



(a)       that the merger of BCSP with RCSP and WFCSP to create a NWCSP be approved;

(b)       that subject to the approval of the merger by each of the Responsible Authorities, authority be delegated to the appropriate officers to take the necessary steps to implement the merger, including the establishment of governance arrangements and entering into any agreements and that this also be subject to endorsement by the relevant Community Safety Partnerships;  

(c)        that the continuation of locality based operational and responsive partnership working through the Operational Tasking Group and its Theme Groups be noted; and

(d)       that the intention to review the Countywide partnership arrangements by 2014 be noted.