37 Waste and Street Scene Publicity Plan 2011/13 PDF 73 KB
The Cabinet considered a report on the Waste and Street Scene Publicity Plan 2011-2013. It was noted that the plan had been produced in co-ordination with Redditch Borough Council as much of the work in relation to publicity and information campaigns was applicable to both Councils.
Members were reminded that there was a range of actions available to officers in relation to enforcement of matters such as littering and dog fouling covered by the Environmental Protection Act 1990. It was felt however that during the periods of publicity campaigns, Fixed Penalty Notices should be issued as a matter of course where an enforcement officer was present.
(a) that the Waste and Street Scene Publicity Plan 2011-2013 as set out in appendix 1 to the report be approved; and
(b) that during publicity campaign periods Fixed Penalty Notices be issued in respect of all dog fouling and littering offences provided an enforcement officer is present.