36 Town Centre Frontage Improvement Scheme PDF 68 KB
The Cabinet considered a report which requested Members to consider an amendment to the existing Town Centre Frontage Improvement Scheme.
Members were reminded that a total budget of £70,000 had been allocated to the scheme which had been established to assist landowners and tenants within the Town Centre to improve the frontages of their properties as part of the Town Centre Regeneration Programme. It was noted that four applications had been approved so far totalling £15,460.
The original terms of the scheme had limited applications to £4,000 but it was now requested that this limit be removed in order to maximise the opportunities to improve the character and appearance of the High Street for instance by re-instating an historic shop front. This was also likely to be of benefit to the second stage of the Council’s bid under the National Lottery Townscape Heritage Initiative.
(a) that the current limit of £4,000 for applications under the Town Centre Frontage Improvement Scheme be removed; and
(b) that the Executive Director of Regeneration, Regulatory and Housing Services be authorised to determine, in consultation with the relevant Portfolio Holders, the appropriate level of funding to be awarded in each case under the scheme.