Issue - meetings

Hostels - De-Commissioning and Re-Modelling

Meeting: 04/04/2007 - Cabinet (Item 193)

193 De-commissioning of Hostels - Progress Report and Revised Strategy pdf icon PDF 202 KB


Consideration was given to a report which set out the latest position regarding the decommissioning of the three Council owned hostels which provide temporary accommodation for the homeless and are managed under a Service Level Agreement by Bromsgrove District Housing Trust.



(a)       that the progress made in closing Wythall Hostel be noted.

(b)       that delegated authority be granted to the Corporate Property Officer, the Section 151 officer and the Corporate Director (Services) through the Asset Management Group for the disposal and settlement of the terms of sale of Wythall Hostel.

(c)        that Sidemoor and Rubery Hostels be conveyed to BDHT for nil capital receipt to the Council for re-modelling into self contained units of affordable housing for rent and the revised scheme proposals as set out in sections 5 and 6 of the report be approved.

(d)       that the grant funding to BDHT for the development of self contained flats on the Sidemoor and Rubery sites and for the purchase of “buy backs” as detailed in sections 5 and 6 of the report be approved.


(Note: Councillor Mrs. C. Spencer declared a personal interest in this item as one of the Council’s representatives on the Board of BDHT.)