26 Overview and Scrutiny Board PDF 69 KB
(a) To receive and note the minutes
(b) To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes
The minutes of the meeting of the Overview and Scrutiny Board held on 11th July 2011 were submitted.
In relation to Minute no. 19/11 relating to Recreation Road Car Park, Councillor M. J. A. Webb reported that he had attended the meeting as the Portfolio Holder for Leisure, Culture and Environmental Services. At the meeting he had expressed no objection to the proposal to extend the taxi drivers’ pick up/drop off time from 10 to 15 minutes, as this was something officers were already considering. Councillor Webb had felt however that the establishment of a Task Group at this stage was premature as the management of the Car Park Service was being considered as part of the Shared Service review.
(a) that the minutes be noted;
(b) that the Bromsgrove Community Safety Partnership be consulted as part of the Core Strategy and in particular with regard to Hot Food Takeaways;
(c) that the provision of cycle racks/storage facilities be included within the Town Centre Regeneration Scheme;
(d) that the taxi drivers’ pick up/drop off time limit on the Recreation Road Car Park be extended to 15 minutes with immediate effect, subject to the Section 151 Officer being satisfied that there are no related service/operational implications which would result in the approved budget being exceeded.