Issue - meetings

Car Parking Task Group

Meeting: 04/04/2007 - Cabinet (Item 187)

187 Car Parking Scrutiny Report pdf icon PDF 84 KB

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The Cabinet considered recommendations made by the Scrutiny Steering Board based on the report of the Task Group set up to scrutinise issues relating to Car Parking.  The Leader acknowledged the work undertaken by the Task Group and thanked the Chairman of the Task Group for its efforts in undertaking the exercise.  It was recognised that some of the issues had moved on since the report had been compiled.



(a)       that in view of the decision made as part of the Medium Term Financial Plan process to ask officers to investigate means by which the sum of £50,000 can be utilised to ensure the Council’s car park facilities may be used to best advantage by disabled persons and all sections of the community, no action be taken at present with regard to removing car parking charges for the disabled.

(b)       that Blue Badge holders be allowed an additional hour of parking over and above the time for which they have paid.

(c)        that in view of the significant financial implications which would result from the removal of charges after 6.00pm and on Sundays, consideration of this matter be deferred until the budget for 2008/09 is being considered.

(d)       that the issue of overnight charging be revisited as part of the  discussion referred to in (f) below on altering the ticket machines so that customers receive the full time for which they have paid.

(e)       that officers be requested to look at ways of encouraging the most efficient and flexible use of the car park facilities.

(f)         that if possible, the ticket machines be adjusted so that customers receive the full time for which they have paid and that the use of mobile telephones to allow “remote payment” be considered further at a later stage.

(g)       that officers be requested to review the system of issuing Concessionary Permits in view of the predicted growth in the elderly population of the District.

(h)        that it be noted that discussions with Bromsgrove School regarding the possible use of their car park have been unsuccessful.

(i)         that officers be requested to look at ways in which the Shopmobility service can be sustained and improved.