Issue - items at meetings - Bromsgrove Community Safety Partnership - Presentation

Issue - meetings

Bromsgrove Community Safety Partnership - Presentation

Meeting: 11/07/2011 - Overview and Scrutiny Board (Item 17)

17 Bromsgrove Community Safety Partnership Plan Report pdf icon PDF 98 KB

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The Senior Community Safety Officer summarised the report and explained that its purpose was to provide Members with an overview of the 2011/12 Bromsgrove Community Safety Partnership Plan.  This was a public document approved by the Community Safety Steering Group, which would be made available on the Council’s website in due course.  The report outlined the main local priorities within the plan and highlighted some of the key challenges in tackling those priorities.


Members were informed that the Police and Crime Act 2010, which had been implemented in April 2011, reviewed part of the Crime and Disorder Act 1998 and updated several of the requirements in the original Act, one of which was that a 3 year plan was no longer required, and that a rolling refreshed annual plan could be produced.  The Community Safety Partnership (CSP) had chosen to produce an annual plan due to the forthcoming challenges it would face, including the potential removal of the Police Authority and the introduction of a Police and Crime Commissioner.  The CSP was also aware of a further 40% reduction in funding of the Community Safety Funding at County Council level, which was in addition to the 20% reduction already received this year.


The Senior Community Safety Officer provided details of the themes and priorities and the methodology of how these were chosen.  Dwelling burglary was a priority and Members raised concerns about the low detection rate for burglary in particular areas of the District.  The Board was advised that the Community Safety Partnership was unlikely to look at burglary detections as the detection of burglary was the responsibility of one agency, West Mercia Police, and there was very little that others partners could do.  However, West Mercia Police had asked the partnership for assistance with home security and preventative work.  This was being provided through a project which would offer home security assessments to elderly and vulnerable residents.  In some cases the project would be able to provide financial support in order to implement security improvements for residents with the greatest need.  The project would initially be piloted in Rubery for 3 months.


The Board also discussed the following areas:-

·        The work of the Probation Service

·        The Forensics Department at a national level

·        Graffiti – the removal of, the reporting of and the use of anti-graffiti coatings.   The Executive Director, Finance and Resources agreed to seek clarification with the Head of Environmental Services on issues, raised by Members, with the machine which was used to remove graffiti.

·        Cycling in the High Street and problems caused by this, including signage and the By Laws relating to this.  Members also discussed facilities for cyclist, including the provision of cycle racks and storage facilities.

·        Safe night time economy in relation to and involvement in Town Centre Regeneration and the inclusion of other town centres/high streets of the District within the Town Centre Regeneration and the work of the Community Safety Partnership.

·        The importance of PACT meetings for intelligence gathering by the Police and  ...  view the full minutes text for item 17