Issue - meetings

Financial Outturn Report 2010/11

Meeting: 22/06/2011 - Cabinet (Item 19)

19 Financial Outturn Report 2010/11 pdf icon PDF 116 KB


The Cabinet considered a report on financial information for the year ended 31st March 2011. The information included the Revenue and Capital outturn figures and the Annual Governance Statement.


As part of discussion on this item the Climate Change Manager reported that there was an opportunity, as part of the Government’s current Feed in Tariff Scheme (FiTS), for the Authority to benefit from the installation of electricity generating solar panels at the Council’s Depot. It was noted this would cost £68,000 which could be met from Capital receipts but that the panels would reduce electricity costs at the Depot and generate income for the Authority through the FiTS.


RESOLVED  that the outturn financial information on Revenue and Capital for 2010/2011 be noted.



(a)       that the increase in the Capital Programme for 2011/2012 of £2.479m in relation to the carry forward requests as set out in Appendix 1 to the report be approved;   

(b)       that £5,587 be released from balances following the abolition of Lickey End Parish Council;

(c)        that the Annual Governance Statement as set out in Appendix 2 to the report be approved; and

(d)       that the Capital Programme for 2011/2012 be increased by £68,000 to meet the cost of solar panels to be installed at the Council’s Depot to be funded by  Capital receipts.