Issue - meetings

Council Tax / Parish Council's Precepts

Meeting: 21/03/2011 - Parish Councils' Forum (Item 44)

Council Tax / Parish Council's Precepts


(The Chairman agreed to the consideration of this matter under Agenda Item 6 - "Any Other Business").


Mrs. G. Lungley raised a question concerning the booklet which had been enclosed with the Council Tax bills issued recently across the District.  Specifically, she was concerned at the fact that only the parish council precepts had been provided, and how it may be taken as confusing in the context in which it had been produced.


The Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services responded by saying that there may be a reason for the information to be produced in the way that it was and would address this issue with Ms. J. Pickering as the Section 151 Officer.  Furthermore, she stated that further discussion on this matter could be dealt with at the next Monitoring Officers Liaison Meeting with a view to amending how the Parish Council Precept information is reproduced in the literature accompanying the Council Tax bills.