8 Internal Audit Manager's - Draft Audit Opinion 2010/2011 PDF 92 KB
Members considered a report which detailed the draft 2010/2011 Acting Worcestershire Internal Audit Shared Services Manager’s Opinion to be included as part of the Annual Governance Statement and included with the Statement of Accounts for 2010/2011.
Mr. A. Bromage, Worcestershire Internal Audit Shared Service, Audit Manager presented the report and informed Members that based on the audits performed in accordance with the approved revised plan, he had concluded that the internal control arrangements during 2010/2011 effectively managed the principal risks identified in the audit plan and could be reasonably relied upon to ensure that the Council’s corporate objectives had been met. He informed Members that all of the completed audits had been allocated an opinion of either ‘Full’ or ‘Significant’ Assurance which meant that there was a generally sound system of internal control in place, no significant control issues had been encountered and no material losses had been identified during a time of significant transformation and change.
RESOLVED that the Internal Audit Opinion to be included in the Annual Governance Statement as set out in Appendix 1 to the report, be noted.