Issue - meetings

Membership of Assessment and Review Sub-Committees

Meeting: 08/06/2011 - Standards Committee (this Committee has now been combined wit the Audit, Standrds and Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 9)

9 Membership of Assessment and Review Sub-Committees pdf icon PDF 90 KB

[To appoint Committee members to the Standards Assessment and Review Sub-Committees.]



The Committee received a report which sought to appoint the membership of the Standards Assessment and Review Sub-Committees for the forthcoming municipal year.  It was noted that the proposed memberships detailed in the appendix to the report followed the same format as in previous years and also included provision for the fourth district councillor member of the Committee.  The Monitoring Officer explained the reasoning behind, and benefits of, the fixed membership system. 


Mr. Cypher questioned whether it had previously been agreed that the Deputy Parish Councils' Representative also be factored into Sub-Committee memberships.  The Ethical Standards Officer (ESO) confirmed that this had not been agreed and that whilst officers always aimed to include the Deputy in as much Committee activity as possible, the Deputy could only sit on either the Standards Committee or a Sub-Committee when formally substituting for a Parish Representative.  The ESO added that the Deputy was welcome to attend any general policy meetings of the Standards Committee and to participate in debates, but that they would only be eligible to vote on matters when acting as a substitute.   


RESOLVED that the memberships of Standards Assessment and Review Sub-Committees for the forthcoming municipal year be as follows:


Assessment (District Councillor Complaints) Sub-Committee A

·                    (IM1)

·                    (DC1)

·                    (PR1)

Review (District Councillor Complaints) Sub-Committee A

·                     (IM2)

·                     (DC2)

·                     (PR2)

Assessment (District Councillor Complaints) Sub-Committee B

·                     (IM3) (Chairman)

·                     (DC3)

·                     (IM1)

Review (District Councillor Complaints) Sub-Committee B

·                     (IM2)

·                     (DC4)

·                     (PR1) 

Assessment (Parish Councillor Complaints) Sub-Committee A

·                     (IM3)

·                     (DC2)

·                     (PR1)

Review (Parish Councillor Complaints) Sub-Committee A

·                     (IM1)

·                     (DC1)

·                     (PR2)

Assessment (Parish Councillor Complaints) Sub-Committee B

·                     (IM2)

·                     (DC4)

·                     (PR2)

Review (Parish Councillor Complaints) Sub-Committee B

·                     (IM3)

·                     (DC3)

·                     (PR1)

IM1   Mrs G Bell

IM2   Mr N Burke

IM3   Ms K Sharpe


PR1   Cllr J Cypher

PR2   Cllr Hodgetts

DC1   Cllr Mrs S Baxter

DC2   Cllr B Lewis  

DC3   Cllr L Mallett

DC4   Cllr Mrs M Sherrey