Issue - meetings

Bromsgrove Town Conservation Area (Amendment to Area Boundary) and Designation of St. John's Conservation Area

Meeting: 01/06/2011 - Cabinet (Item 10)

10 Bromsgrove Town Conservation Area (Amendment to Area Boundary) and Designation of St. John's Conservation Area pdf icon PDF 93 KB


Members considered a report on proposed amendments to the Bromsgrove Town Conservation Area together with the designation of a new St. John’s Conservation Area. 


During the discussion on this item Members paid tribute to the work undertaken by officers in securing funding from the Heritage Lottery Fund which would facilitate the accessing of further funds from the Townscape Heritage Initiative.  



(a)       that the amendments to the boundary of the Bromsgrove Town Centre Conservation Area as described in the notice and schedule of properties attached as Appendix A to the report be approved;

(b)       that the designation of a new St. John’s Conservation Area under the Planning (Listed Buildings and Conservation Areas) Act as described in the notice and schedule of properties attached as Appendix B to the report be approved.