Issue - meetings

Bromsgrove War Memorial - Change of Name Report

Meeting: 06/04/2011 - Cabinet (Item 157)

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Members considered a report on a request for the transfer of a licence previously granted by the Council to the THANKSS Charity (To Honour and Acknowledge those Killed and Still Serving) to the Bromsgrove Armed Forces Memorial Fund. Members were reminded that the Licence was in respect of the erection of a war memorial on land at Amphlett Hall, Crown Close, Bromsgrove.


Members queried whether in view of the change of name of the Charity, it was still the intention to honour those currently serving in the armed forces as well as those who had lost their lives. The Section 151 Officer undertook to check this with the organisation. 



(a)       that the request to transfer the licence previously granted to the organisation known as THANKSS to the Bromsgrove War Memorial Fund to enable the erection of a memorial on land at Amphlett Hall, Bromsgrove be approved;

(b)       that the above approval be subject to the Bromsgrove War Memorial Fund becoming a registered Charity and the production of a viable business case in respect of the project; and

(c)        that authority be delegated to the Section 151 Officer, in consultation with the Portfolio Holder for Community Services, to approve the detail of the business case and design of the memorial.