50 Risk Management Tracker - Quarter 3 PDF 135 KB
Members considered a report which presented an overview of the current progress in relation to Actions/Improvements (actions) as detailed in the service area risk registers for the period 1st April 2010 to 30th December 2010. Members were asked to note that Regulatory Services were currently not included within the risk management process to allow for the shared service to be fully embedded.
The Executive Director Finance and Corporate Resources informed Members that a full review of risk management was being undertaken. Currently the focus had been on departmental risk registers and she thought that Audit Board Members should be provided with a higher level of review and that a more strategic corporate risk register should be developed to include the transformation process and shared services. Members were asked to note that as from April 2011 Regulatory Services would be included within the newly developed corporate risk register.
RESOLVED that the progress to date against all service area risk register actions for 1st April 2010 to 30th December 2010, Quarter 3, be noted.