Issue - meetings

Any other business

Meeting: 21/03/2011 - Parish Councils' Forum (Item 43)

Litter collection programme for district areas away from the town


(This item had been requested to be added to the Agenda at the request of the Area Committee of the County Association of Local Councils).


It was reported that Mr. G. Revans, Head of Environmental Services, was unable to attend the meeting, but had prepared a statement to be read out to the Forum:


"The street cleansing service staffing and service delivery is currently under review, with the aim of improving the over-all quality and consistency of the service, both in Bromsgrove Town and across the District as a whole.  It would be very useful if the Parish Councils could contact Ian Roberts via email to in order to let him know about any ongoing issues they may have or particular hot spots, so that these can be considered as part of the review.


"In addition the Cabinet, in June, will consider a proposal for the District Council to employ an Environmental Enforcement Officer who will be able to deal with fly-tipping, littering, dog fouling and other environmental crime within the District, including the issuing of fixed penalty notices and taking out prosecutions where necessary.  Again, it would be useful to know of any areas that cause an ongoing problem, where environmental enforcement might help to improve an ongoing problem."