Issue - meetings

Items requested to be considered at the request of the County Association of Local Councils or any Parish Council within the District (or within Redditch Borough Council)

Meeting: 21/03/2011 - Parish Councils' Forum (Item 42)

Update on Core Strategy Draft 2, with reference to suggested ADRs for larger settlements within the District

Items for consideration or questions from Parish Councils must not relate to a specific parish (that is, of interest or relevant to all, or most, parishes).  Such items can be dealt with separately by contacting the relevant officer.


(This item had been requested to be added to the Agenda at the request of the Area Committee of the County Association of Local Councils).


It was reported that Mr. M. Dunphy, Strategic Planning Manager, was unable to attend the meeting, but had prepared a statement to be read out to the Forum:


"There is nothing with which to update Members of the Forum because the Draft Core Strategy 2 is still out for consultation until 15th April 2011.  Once the consultation closes, the process of reporting the results to the Council will begin and the plan is likely to be re-drafted which, inevitably, will take some time to complete.


"A further update will be reported to the next meeting of the Forum."