Consideration of Investigating Officer's Final Report - Complaint Reference: 94/09
[To consider the Investigating Officer's Final Report into a complaint against District Councillor Mrs. J. D. Luck.]
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Further to a referral from the Standards Assessment Sub-Committee in September 2009, the Committee was asked to give consideration, under Regulation 17 of the Standards Committee (England) Regulations 2008, to a complaint made against District Councillor Mrs. J. D. Luck. The complaint was that Councillor Luck may have breached the Code of Conduct in relation to treating others with respect, using her position as a member to confer an advantage or disadvantage, and conducting herself in a manner that may bring her office into disrepute.
In the course of the Investigating Officer’s enquiries the matter had been referred back to the Standards Assessment Sub-Committee on 31st March 2010, who had been of the view that potentially the actions of the subject member could amount to a breach of the Code of Conduct. Specifically this would be in relation to the subject member using her position as a Member to confer an advantage or disadvantage, and conducting herself in a manner that may bring her office into disrepute.
Members were requested to consider the Investigating Officer’s report and findings as to whether there had been a failure to comply with the Code of Conduct for the first allegation: Decision Notice dated 14th December 2009 and the second allegation: Decision Notice dated 20th April 2010.
In relation to the first allegation: Decision Notice dated 14th December 2009
(a) that the Investigating Officer’s findings of a failure in relation to the allegations made against Councillor Luck, as detailed in the Investigating Officers final report, to comply with the Code of Conduct of Bromsgrove District Council in relation to Decision Notice dated 14th December 2009, be considered at a hearing of the Standards Committee; and
(b) that the Investigating Officer’s findings of no failure (“a finding of acceptance”) in relation to the allegation made against Councillor Luck of bringing her office into disrepute be accepted.
In relation to the second allegation: Decision Notice dated 20th April 2010
(a) that the Investigating Officer’s findings of no failure (“a finding of acceptance”) in relation to the allegation made against Councillor Luck of using her position to confer an advantage and bringing her office into disrepute be accepted.