Issue - meetings

Ombudsman Statistics

Meeting: 23/03/2011 - Standards Committee (this Committee has now been combined wit the Audit, Standrds and Governance Committee and no longer meets) (Item 45)

45 Ombudsman Statistics pdf icon PDF 79 KB

[To provide the Committee with a six-monthly update on Ombudsman statistics.]



The Committee received a report on the Local Government Ombudsman’s update on the number of complaints received for the period 1st April 2010 to 31st October 2010 based on the Councils’ records.


The Senior Solicitor informed the Committee that officers would be able to provide Members with a more detailed breakdown of the activity relating to the Ombudsman in June 2011 once the Annual report issued by the Ombudsman was available.


RESOLVED that the contents of the report be noted.