Parish Councils' Representatives' Report
[To receive an oral report from the Parish Councils' Representatives on any matters of relevance to the Committee, and to include an update on any recent meeting(s) of the Bromsgrove Area Committee of the Worcestershire County Association of Local Councils (CALC).]
Mr. Cypher informed the Committee that he had chaired the last meeting of the Bromsgrove Area Committee of the Worcestershire County Association of Local Councils (CALC). During the meeting parish councillors and clerks had been reminded that though the Standards regime would be changing through the Localism Bill, when enacted, this was not yet achieved, so the Code still applied. Register of Members Interest forms still needed to be completed before the Standards Committee stood down. This meant that the Area (CALC) needed to appoint parish council members to the Standards Committee for 2011/2012 from June / July 2011.
Following discussion with the Ethical Standards Officer it was noted that Register of Members Interest forms were public documents so there would be no data protection issues with completed forms being submitted to the Monitoring Officer via parish clerks. The Ethical Standards Officer added that the responsibility for the content of completed Interests forms lay with Members and not parish clerks/executive officers or district council officers.
RESOLVED that the position be noted.