Declarations of Interest
No declarations of interest were received.
It was noted, however, that Mr. S. H. Malek, non-voting Deputy Parish Councils’ Representative on the Committee would leave the room during consideration of Agenda Item 12 (Consideration of Investigating Officer’s Final Reports – Complaint References: 07/10, 08/10 and 0910) as Parish Representatives were not permitted to consider complaints against Members of their own parish.
It was also noted that Councillor Mrs. A. E. Doyle, a District Councillor Member of the Standards Committee, was affected by some of the issues under consideration at Agenda Item 14 (Consideration of Investigating Officer’s Final Report into a complaint against District Councillor Mrs. J. D. Luck) and therefore would not participate in the meeting during this item. During the consideration of this item Councillor Mrs. A. E. Doyle left the room.