Issue - meetings

Bromsgrove Private Sector Housing Strategy and Assistance Policy

Meeting: 06/04/2011 - Cabinet (Item 161)

161 Bromsgrove Private Sector Housing Strategy and Assistance Policy pdf icon PDF 131 KB


Members considered a report on an updated version of the Council’s Private Sector Housing Strategy (2009 – 2014) which reflected additional and improved information available since the Strategy was approved in April 2009 together with the current level of funding available and an updated action plan.


Members also considered a revised version of the Council’s Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy which contained proposed amendments to achieve a uniform policy in respect of the processing of Disabled Facility Grants and Home Repair Assistance across the Worcestershire Districts whose customers are served by the Worcestershire Care and Repair Service.


In addition Members noted that the Kick Start Equity Release Scheme would cease to operate as from 31st March 2011 following the withdrawal of both regional funding and Government funding to support private sector housing renewal.


Members felt that in relation to the repayment of Home Repair Assistance Loans, whilst the removal of the ten year time limit for repayment was to be welcomed, the amount repayable when the property was sold should continue to be index linked. 



(a)       that the updated Private Sector Housing Strategy and accompanying Action Plan as attached as appendices to the report be approved;

(b)       that the revised Private Sector Housing Assistance Policy be approved with the exception of the current proposal to amend the repayment terms in respect of Home Repair Assistance Loans so that the sum repaid is not index linked whilst removing the current ten year time limit and that accordingly, the Strategic Housing Manager be requested to propose to the next meeting of the Worcestershire Care and Repair Service that the index linking element be retained whilst removing the ten year repayment period:

(c)        that the position relating to the closure of the Kick Start Equity release Scheme be noted.