28 Application for a Street Trading Consent - David Alcock, Alderhanger Lane, A435 PDF 102 KB
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The Sub-Committee was asked to consider an application for a Street Trading Consent in respect of Mr. David Alcock to provide hot and cold fast food from a mobile unit sited at Alderhanger Lane, A435.
The Licensing Manager outlined the details of the application, together with the reasons why the application had been brought before the Sub-Committee, detailing the Council’s Street Trading Consent Policy. The application was subject to a Hearing in the light of representations received from West Mercia Police and the Council’s Community Safety Team on the grounds of community safety.
The Chairman informed the Applicant that she had carried out a site visit prior to the Hearing taking place.
At the invitation of the Chairman, the Applicant’s representative put forward the case for the Applicant. She explained that the applicant had traded at the site until 2nd February 2011 when he was informed by the Council’s Licensing Officer that he required a Street Trading Consent to trade at the site. With regard to the representations received from West Mercia Police and the Council’s Community Safety Team, the applicant’s representative highlighted that the activities detailed within the representations had taken place prior to the applicant trading. She felt that the applicant was being pre-judged based on the activities that had taken place prior to him trading.
At the invitation of the Chairman, Mr. C. Santoriello-Smith, Bromsgrove District Councils, Senior Community Safety Project Officer, who had given notice of his intention to attend the Hearing, made representation on the grounds of community safety.
Mr. C. Santoriello-Smith informed those present that Inspector J. Smith, Bromsgrove District Inspector, West Mercia Police had been unable to attend the Hearing and had requested that he presented the representations as a multi agency approach from both the Community Safety Team and West Mercia Police.
Mr. C. Santoriello-Smith answered a number of questions from Members of the Sub-Committee and the applicant’s representative with regard to the use of the site as a Public Sex Environment and the temporary closure of the lay-by.
The Sub-Committee then adjourned to consider it decision. Upon its return and having had regard to:
§ The Council’s criteria for Street Trading Consents as set out in the Street Trading Consent Policy
§ The report of the Licensing Manager
§ The application and representations made by and on behalf of Mr. David Alcock
§ The relevant multi agency representations made by Bromsgrove District Council’s Community Safety Team and on behalf of West Mercia Police.
RESOLVED that the application for a Street Trading Consent for the sale of hot and cold food and drinks from a mobile united sited at Alderhanger Lane, A435 be granted as follows:
Actual Trading Hours
§ 07:00am to 15:00pm Monday to Saturday
§ No trading on Sunday
The reasons for the Sub-Committee’s decision were as follows:
§ There had been no objections to the application from any consultees / interested parties other than West Mercia Police and the Council’s Community Safety Team.
§ The Sub-Committee had ... view the full minutes text for item 28