Issue - meetings

Items requested to be placed on the agenda at the request of the County Association of Local Councils

Meeting: 25/01/2011 - Parish Councils' Forum (Item 36)

Items requested to be placed on the agenda at the request of the County Association of Local Councils

(a)       Future of meetings of the Parish Councils' Forum / Monitoring Officers Liaison Group / Parish Charter Working Group


(b)       Update on shared services arrangements with Redditch (and other authorities)


(c)        Budget cuts - matters directly affecting the parish councils


(d)       Improvements to public transport within the parishes



(a)       Future of meetings of the Parish Councils' Forum / Monitoring Officers Liaison Group / Parish Charter Working Group


The Chairman apologised for the fact that the two previous meetings of the Forum (originally arranged for June and September 2010) had been cancelled.  He stated that, if the parish councils wished to maintain having the meetings on a three monthly cycle, he would be happy to continue.


He also made reference to the Monitoring Officers' Liaison Group which had recently been established by the District Council.  The Forum was informed that this had been established so that certain officers of the District Council could meet twice a year with the Parish Clerks / Executive Officers and exchange information relating to legal procedures and issues relevant to the parish councils and their Parish Councillors.


Finally, the Chairman referred to the Parish Charter Working Group which had been established to review the Parish Council Charter document, and ensure that its content was still relevant to current working practices and procedures between the District Council and the parish councils.  Members of the Forum commented that certain issues had been omitted from the Charter document when originally established and it was intended that the Working Group would look further into the following matters:-


(i)         Financial arrangements;

(ii)        Parish Plans; and

(iii)       Village Design Statements.


The Chairman responded by saying that he would explain item (i) when discussing (b) below.  In respect of item (ii), he stated that it was currently difficult to understand how or where Parish Plans would fit into new planning legislation following the abolition of the Regional Spatial Strategy.  He added that this may be an item for consideration in the future when a new planning system is announced.


Finally, in respect of (iii), the Chairman stated that many, but not all, Village Design Statements had yet to be formally adopted and, therefore, were not necessarily referred to when addressing planning applications.  He offered to take this matter up with the relevant officers in the Planning and Regeneration Service because he felt that the community involvement which had produced the Village Design Statements in the first place could be resurrected as part of the Coalition Government's 'Big Society' initiatives.  This was noted.


(b)       Update on shared services arrangements with Redditch (and other authorities)


The Chairman informed the Forum that the shared services initiative is continuing, especially with Redditch Borough Council, but not necessarily in terms of 'front line' services, and an agreement had been reached with Wyre Forest District Council to join in with the Redditch / Bromsgrove shared services in respect of building control and economic development.  He added that environmental health and licensing (regulatory services) was a shared service being developed throughout the County, with Bromsgrove being the administrative centre.


(c)        Budget cuts - matters directly affecting the parish councils


The Chairman stated that the budget cuts incurred upon the reduced government grant given to the District Council should not directly affect the parish councils.  ...  view the full minutes text for item 36