121 Town Centre Draft Area Action Plan PDF 48 KB
The Cabinet considered a report on the Town Centre Draft Area Action Plan. It was reported that the Area Action Plan set out for the purposes of public consultation a set of planning policies to guide regeneration activities in the Town Centre.
Members paid tribute to the work of officers involved in the production of the Draft Area Action Plan. It was reported that as with the Core Strategy, there would be a detailed programme of public consultation, including the temporary use of premises within the Town Centre to publicise the Plan and to seek views from the public.
(a) that the Bromsgrove Town Centre Area Action Plan be approved for the purposes of public consultation;
(b) that the public consultation period be from 21st January to 4th March 2011;
(c) that delegated authority be approved to enable the Strategic Planning Manager in consultation with the Portfolio Holder to make any further essential revisions prior to the draft prior to its publication.