Issue - meetings

To receive minutes of the meeting of the Shared Services Board held on 11th January 2011

Meeting: 19/01/2011 - Cabinet (Item 129)

Shared Services Board

(a)       To receive and note the minutes

(b)       To consider any recommendations contained within the minutes

Additional documents:


The confidential minutes of the meeting of the Shared Services Board held on 11th January 2011 were submitted.




North Worcestershire Economic Development Shared Service


(a)       that Bromsgrove District Council and Redditch Borough Council enter into arrangements to establish a new shared Economic and Regeneration Service across the North Worcestershire districts of Wyre Forest, Bromsgrove and Redditch, such service to be hosted on behalf of the three participating Councils by Wyre Forest District Council (the details of the proposed shared service being as set out in the implementation plan contained within the report);

(b)       that subject to such an agreement being concluded, relevant staff from Bromsgrove District Council and Redditch Borough Council be transferred to Wyre Forest District Council in accordance with the principles of TUPE, with effect from 1st June 2011;

(c)        that the financial arrangements for the new service, as set out in the Appendix attached to the report be approved in principle allowing the business case documentation to be presented to the full Council meetings for Bromsgrove District Council and Redditch Borough Council in January 2011 for final ratification and recommended to each authority as the basis for the new Economic Development and Regeneration Unit budget;

(d)       that authority be delegated to the Executive Director for Finance and Resources to undertake any necessary action relating to

employee and union matters regarding the transfer of relevant employees to Wyre Forest District Council and, in consultation with the Executive Director of Planning and Regeneration, to make any residual staffing arrangements;

(e)       that authority be delegated to the Head of Legal, Equalities and Democratic Services, in consultation with the Executive

Director for Planning and Regeneration, to agree the terms of any necessary service level agreements for implementation of the shared Economic Development and Regeneration Unit and to conclude such agreements; and

(f)         that as part of the said legal agreement, all necessary Cabinet / Executive and full Council functions be delegated to enable Wyre Forest District Council to deliver a shared Economic Development and Regeneration Service within the terms contained in the said agreement.