ICT Shared Service Business Case
Additional documents:
The Cabinet considered a report relating to the ICT shared service business case. Members were asked to refer to the supplementary documentation.
(a) that the business case in respect of a shared ICT service be received and noted;
(b) that the delivery of a shared ICT service by a single ICT team hosted by Bromsgrove District Council be approved;
(c) that both Councils proceed with the items in phase one with the necessary Capital cost of £238,100 being split equally between Redditch Borough Council and Bromsgrove District Council;
(d) that both Councils approve the release of the necessary Capital Reserves (see (c) above) and the associated Revenue costs of £60,000 to be included as a budget bid for consideration as part of the review of the Medium Term Financial Plan;
(e) that the existing Redditch Borough Council Capital budget allocated to IT improvements be used to fund some aspects of phase one of the project in order to reduce the overall expenditure of £238,100 (see (c) above); and
(f) that the detailed business cases for phases two and three outlined in the document to be required in line with the wider shared service agenda be noted.