Decision details

Work Programme

Decision Maker: Overview Board

Decision status: Deleted

Is Key decision?: No

Is subject to call in?: No


The Board considered all the items included within its Work Programme.


The Chairman suggested two topics which could be added to the Board’s Work Programme which were: (a) looking at the current policy relating to sponsorship funding with a view to making it more robust; and (b) the possibility of producing a policy relating to the number of takeaway outlets allowed in any given area.


With regards to sponsorship funding, the Senior Solicitor, Mrs. Sellers, commented that the existing policy was still in its infancy.  It was explained that officers were continuing to work on raising funding for the Council through sponsorship and the input of the Board in reviewing the policy would be helpful.


However, the Head of Planning and Environment Services had some concerns regarding the second proposal which related to controlling the number of takeaways.  Members were advised that the Board needed to be clear what could and could not be achieved, taking into account national policy guidance and market forces.


It was also mentioned that the funding for CCTV could be investigated and representatives from the Police could be invited to attend a Board meeting.  However, the Executive Director – Services, Mr. Beirne, reminded Members that a letter had been sent to West Mercia Police regarding this issue and a response was awaited.  It was suggested that the Overview Board could monitor this matter and consider inviting a Police representative to a future Board meeting, if required.


The Board was informed that Councillor Mrs. M. Bunker had a meeting scheduled with the Assistant Chief Executive, Mr. H. Bennett, the following day to discuss the results of the Older People Focus Groups.  It was anticipated that further information regarding this topic would be presented to the Board at its next meeting.



(a)    that the following two topics be added to the Board’s Work Programme:

§      Developing the existing policy relating to sponsorship funding; and

§      Investigating the possibility of introducing a policy which controls the number of takeaways allowed in an area;

(b)    that the Executive Director – Services be requested to provide the Board with progress updates at future Board Meetings (as required) regarding the possibility of receiving financial assistance from West Mercia Police for CCTV equipment; and

(c)     that the Overview Board’s Work Programme be noted and updated as necessary.

Report author: Della McCarthy

Publication date: 22/01/2009

Date of decision: 06/01/2009

Decided at meeting: 06/01/2009 - Overview Board

Accompanying Documents: